The Handshake color palette and approach is energetic and clear. Our palette is composed of color families and themes of vivid neons. The depth of our tonal ranges and color pairings allow for a seamless and flexible system that offers freedom and creative scope to whatever you are designing. While the palette seems broad, tight usage and rules allow for uniformity across all applications.
Our seven primary brand color themes are bold and energetic. Our primary colors—lime, nori, magenta and cyan play a dominant role in these themes. Brand headlines and text are always nori or white. Our logo can appear in nori, lime or cyan depending on the recommended pairing.
Our five secondary color themes are vibrant with a touch of restraint. Primary colors play a supporting, accent role in these themes, with complementary darker tones as dominant colors. When using secondary themes, Brand headlines and text are featured in white. Our logo can appear in magenta, lime, cyan, or white depending on the color theme.