Our Gestures are simple lined illustrations. They allow an editorial nature in our communications. By not being figurative, we can use this in combination with other brand elements like typography, photography, and other illustration.

Frame 9564 (1).png

Ultimately, Gestures serve as additional/supporting illustrations within a larger narrative. They are used in the following context:

In order to establish uniformity with our Gestures, we must maintain an overall lightness with our line weights. While our Marker forms are inspired by broad marker strokes, our Gestures should feel like ball point pens. These thinner strokes allow for these types of illustrations to interact with the content in our applications without distracting from the focus. The stroke weight of our Gestures is aligned to the center of our paths, and mixing of line weights are discouraged.

Note: Because of the various sizes of our applications, we cannot assign a universal stroke weight. Instead aim for an optical 2px stroke within any canvas.

Frame 7720.png

To light

Frame 7719.png

Optically correct

Frame 7721.png

Too heavy


Frame 9568.png

Frame 9569.png

Frame 9567.png