Our typography is bold and clean, delivering clarity of message without any abstraction or obstruction. The following sections outline rules and guidance around how to use our typography successfully.

Brand headlines

We use Sans Plomb 95 and Sans Plomb 95 Oblique in our brand headlines. Please adhere to recommended typesetting and hierarchy rules outlined below when creating communications for Handshake.

Frame 9580.png

Secondary headlines and brand text: Noi Grotesk

We use Noi Grotesk semibold for secondary headlines and Noi Grotesk regular for brand text. Please follow the guidelines below when typesetting for Handshake.

Frame 9579.png

Our brand uses a specific style of Noi Grotesk with alternative letterforms. It is important to use these settings when using this typeface.

Adobe CC Instructions

  1. Window > Type & Tables > Character
  2. Click the fly-out menu in the panel’s upper right, choose Open Type > Stylistic Sets
  3. Select ‘SS03’, ‘SS06’, and ‘SS12’